No escuro do discurso: uma revisita a Emília e Eulália.




Under the sieve of assertion legacy to critical studies of the language and, in particular, the that concern to speech, the text proposes to build an area of "confrontation" between linguists and grammarian, in order to examine this controversial, unquiet and just new relationship - which maintains the implications about the studies of the language -, yonder aspects of the status of normative grammar in the teaching of Portuguese language. In order to reach the goal, this research deals with the examination, allegedly dialogue, of the texts: Emília no país da gramática, of Monteiro Lobato, A língua de Eulália, of Marcos Bagno, and the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (BRASIL, 1998). This undertaking intent, therefore, the investigation of the paths which the texts in question through, for the absorption of possibilities of significations with that these texts works the production of the discourse that disseminate, in order to uncover the how and the of that they are formeds. The venture described aligns itself on the theoretical and practical contributions provided by the Analysis of Speech of French origin, which meet particularly in the figures of Michel Foucault and Michel Pêcheux the centers of gravity around which guiding itself the proposals of the study of the speech that today emerge. This search classifies itself as bibliographical for the ways in which it supports and how exploratory for the purpose of which is rejoice. The methodology do not choose to search of the field, provided that our intent requires the examination of speeches served by the texts, as well as its implication in the construction of discourse propagated by educational policies which, in turn, extend itself to life social and particularly those which apply their notes, spontaneously or not. We build our material of study by means of selection of enunciation compared in the light of the theoretical support developed. Among some of the results that this study could refer, we detach the evidence, the movement and the expansion of power established in practice (and in the relationship) of the characters in conflict, the contradiction of their speeches with respect to that preach and the race (the fight) for the preservation of their positions, their political posts in the "chain of knowledge", overriding itself on the needs asserted with respect to educational progress, the expansion of knowledge in the face of prejudice linguistic and the emancipation idealized by the government based on the notes arising from the science that these two classes (linguists and grammarian) manufacture and spread in the study of language.


discourse discurso poder power sentido letras análise do discurso sense

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