Níveis taxonômicos de gestão ambiental : um estudo de caso dos equipamentos hoteleiros estabelecidos na APA Delta do Parnaíba




The main goal of this dissertation is to offer ar accurated study about environmental taxonomy concerning the management of hotel equipments in Delta do Parnaíba Environmental Preservation Area, using Jabbour is Santos and Bellen is models as evaluation tools of the environmental management levels and the sustainability indicators used in this Conservation Unity. Therefore, it analyzes the environmental management evolution, building its path till it gets the management taxonomic levels. This study also analyzes managers environmental behavior of the managers, the procedures and the environmental management levels of the companies of eleven cities located in Delta do Parnaíba EPA, which involves three States. A field study and the structured observation were used. The study not only indicates that there is no systematic environmental management in the area, but also detects a greater concentration of management levels concerning the Functional Integration what demonstrates the implementation of a management plan needs the an advising for environmental politics and to delimit the area occupation, too.


proteÇÃo ambiental - dissertaÇÕes turismo - dissertaÇÕes administracao de empresas gestÃo ambiental - dissertaÇÕes

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