Nineth-fine-art:comics strips as a fine-art / Nona-bela-arte as histórias-em-quadrinhos como bela-arte




First of all, this studys claim is to propose a revision of some consecrated views about the comic strips art, to characterize comic strip and modern comic strip and to establish the differences between its three main streams: commercial / non-artistic comic-strip, authorial / artistic comic strip (in both cases) and the intermediary case: the comic strips produced by the great companies, such as Marvel and D. C.. In this process, the high esthetical level this kind of art may arrives to will be focused. Then, it will be demonstrated how rich and frequent is the dialog maintained between the ninth art and the fine arts and how pictorial and plastical comic strips may be. As a conclusion, the basis to a creation of a brand new kind of comic strip will be proposed. The Ninth-Fine-Art is a kind of comic strip extremely pictorial and with great emphasis on the allegory.


artes plasticas arte plasticidade comic strip, art, artistry, plasticity, allegory alegoria histórias-em-quadrinhos

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