Nimuendajú riviewed: Archaeology of ancient Brazilian Guyana / Nimuendajú revisitado: arqueologia da antiga Guiana Brasileira




This work is a methodological effort to apply an Archaeological Predictive Model on sites known as Stone Alignments at the State of Amapá-Brazil. After some analyses of historical documents from the 1920s and 1940s, and the last surveys realized by Goeldi Museum in 2005, was possible to test empirically the predictive model. To its construction were used the discussions on site formation processes and the use of previous hypotheses created since the end of the XIX century. The results achieved allowed a brief view on the history of Amazon archaeology and the evaluation of technologies as the Geographical Information System (GIS) as a positive archaeological tool to produce researches in the region.


formation process stone alignments predictive model amazon archaeology modelo preditivo arqueologia amazônica material lítico alinhamentos de pedra processos de formação lithic material

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