Networks community organization: a study of the associative integration and empowerment process in the favela of Real Parque - SP / Organização comunitária em rede: um estudo do processo de integração e fortalecimento associativo da favela do Real Parque




The present masters thesis aims at understanding the interpersonal processes that underlay an attempt at community organization in networks conducted in the favela of Real Parque in São Paulo. The study was conducted through the participation in the activities involved in a community intervention project which focused on integrating the neighborhood associations through the development of mutual solidarity collaboration. The study is presented and based on an integration of ethnographic and action research techniques through the use of strategies implementation, systematization, narratives and the analysis of facts which identify the processes that might lead to community organization and empowerment. The study works with analytical categories found in the Community Social Psychology literature especially with regards to those aspects related to community networks and empowerment


integrated nets of social contribution real parque (favela) psicologia comunitaria psicologia social fortalecimento comunitário communitarian organization organização comunitária communitarian empowerment rede integrada de colaboração social comunidade -- organizacao

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