Network technologies and the construction of knowledge: use of social networks as a teacher / Tecnologias em rede e a construção de conhecimento: uso das redes sociais na atividade docente




The aim of this study is to present and analyze the use of the current concept of social networking environments in public schools, bringing the Internet and cyberspace as a place that not only encourages the dialogue among members of the digital networks but also allow the collaborative construction of user groups related to shared contents cognitively. It shows that while a digital space in a unique site, opportunities are built to represent of thought, from a variety of strategies such as hypermedia language, bringing multiple perspectives, materialized by means of written texts, images, sounds and movements. The authors discussed here focused on the concepts that underpin the conceptual relationships from the theoretical framework for social networks, information technologies and communication and general theories of learning. It analyzes the use of technology focused on the construction of knowledge, from the viewpoint of the theory of social networks, the concept of arrays and the idea of space as a navigable field, showing that it is possible to model environments that incites children and adolescents weave their ideas collaboratively. This is a qualitative study developed with students from elementary and high schools from different public schools. The analysis of data, collected in blogs, demonstrates the establishment of an interactive process that favored the teaching-learning interferes with the communication process, showing the students not only as receivers but also senders of messages


internet na educacao ciberespaço learning outros hipermídia educacao -- inovacoes tecnologicas hypermedia redes de relacoes sociais aprendizagem cyberspace social networks tecnologia educacional technology

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