Negociação coletiva no local de trabalho: a experiência dos metalúrgicos do ABC




The theme collective labor negotiation only drew the attention of law scholars a few years ago. This is due to the fact that Brazil never adopted a model that could favor this form of conflict resolution. The legislation of the Vargas Era caused the emergence of assistant unionism, which was subordinated to the State. The Constitution of 1988, although allowing the organization of unions, continued adopting the same practices that prevent full freedom in their operation. With this, the collective negotiation process is still very timid here. Based on collective private autonomy, we will approach collective negotiation in this study starting from a general analysis of its legal aspects, but with focus on its development in workplaces. The purpose is to discover and describe the successful localized negotiation experiences in the country, especially, in the case of the metallurgical steelworkers of the ABC region in the State of São Paulo. For such, the objects of the study shall be its concept and the definition, both in the international and Brazilian legislation, regarding doctrinal positions. The legal nature and the birth of the negotiating process will follow. And, soon after, the main principles of Law and those specific for collective negotiations. Then we will analyze their functions and the legislation complex that regulates its operation, based on the ILT, the constitutional and infra-constitutional Brazilian legislation, and the proposal for union reform discussed at the National Labor Forum (FNT). Next, we will study the classification of collective negotiation under the four different views, and in the part related with its structure, we will approach the subjects, levels, content, and the procedures for its realization. After this general analysis, to deepen our understanding about collective negotiation, it will be necessary to learn the meaning of the internal representation of workers, discussing the legislation and comparative law, besides experiences found in Brazil, with emphasis on the factory committees that emerged in the ABC region metallurgical steelworkers. A description of the historical moment that allowed the emergence of the new unionism in that region will be made. And, as a final goal, the examples of the negotiations that took place in the companies located in the ABC, developed from those internal organizations will be subject to discussion, as successful experiences that deserve being replicated


metallurgical steelworkers of the abc region negociacao coletiva de trabalho -- metalurgicos metalurgicos do abc direito do trabalho -- brasil negociação coletiva direito do trabalho collective labor negotiation

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