Negatividade e ruptura: configurações da crítica de Robert Kurz / Negativity and rupture: settings of Robert Kurzs criticism




The aim of this Masters thesis is to deal with some aspects of the critical approach which has been elaborated by Robert Kurz in the last few years. The analysis intends (1) to show how Kurz recovers, reformulates and expands the marxian critique of value and fetishism, (2) to examine, in this appropriation and rereading accomplished by the author, the mediation of the Critical Theory and (3) to point out the results achieved by Kurz concerning the themes that are discussed here. The thesis focuses on Kurzs theoretical construction encompassing the following topics: critique of traditional Marxism, critique of the subject and resignification of the concept of fetishism. The focus on these topics allows to realize how Kurzs elaboration fulfills a critique of the Modernity itself which addresses to its grounds.


fetishism marxism teoria crítica subject critical theory fetichismo critique of value robert kurz robert kurz sujeito crítica do valor marxismo

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