Natureza jurídica dos contratos no mercado de futuro


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The appearance of the contracts themselves for the future of the market took place as a way to expedite and give greater security to trading commodities. Worldwide, the development of this market is growing apace. Thus, in view of the lack of legislation and systematization of the legal issue of relevance in the economic scenario, we sought to conduct research on the subject, conceptualizing and identifying its characteristics, assumptions, legal, and ways of extinguishing obligations, and proceed to this end, the legal and doctrinal study. To this end, comparative study was carried out these operations with the traditional institutions of civil law, namely, law of obligations and contracts. The hypothesis is that, despite the absence of specific law to conceptualize the contracts in futures markets, they have likened to the legal institutions of the obligatory nature and / or contract.


direito comercial teses contratos obrigações (direito)

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