Native topology determines force-induced unfolding pathways in globular proteins


The National Academy of Sciences


Single-molecule manipulation techniques reveal that stretching unravels individually folded domains in the muscle protein titin and the extracellular matrix protein tenascin. These elastic proteins contain tandem repeats of folded domains with β-sandwich architecture. Herein, we propose by stretching two model sequences (S1 and S2) with four-stranded β-barrel topology that unfolding forces and pathways in folded domains can be predicted by using only the structure of the native state. Thermal refolding of S1 and S2 in the absence of force proceeds in an all-or-none fashion. In contrast, phase diagrams in the force-temperature (f,T) plane and steered Langevin dynamics studies of these sequences, which differ in the native registry of the strands, show that S1 unfolds in an allor-none fashion, whereas unfolding of S2 occurs via an obligatory intermediate. Force-induced unfolding is determined by the native topology. After proving that the simulation results for S1 and S2 can be calculated by using native topology alone, we predict the order of unfolding events in Ig domain (Ig27) and two fibronectin III type domains (9FnIII and 10FnIII). The calculated unfolding pathways for these proteins, the location of the transition states, and the pulling speed dependence of the unfolding forces reflect the differences in the way the strands are arranged in the native states. We also predict the mechanisms of force-induced unfolding of the coiled-coil spectrin (a three-helix bundle protein) for all 20 structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank. Our approach suggests a natural way to measure the phase diagram in the (f,C) plane, where C is the concentration of denaturants.

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