Narrativas de mulheres-estudantes na formação inicial de professores : a busca de um sonho e o encontro da realidade / Narratives of women sudents in initial teacher training : the search for a dream and the reality of the meeting


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research highlights the implementation of an educational resource for teachers in the beginning of their careers, held in a private university in São Paulo downtown. Focusing on the study of reading in the context of cultural history, the narratives of women students, subjects of the research group have provided evidence of their path as readers, their desires and restrained dreams revealing the stark reality still present in a society which legitimizes the unequal division of social roles between men and women. By using the reference of the methodology of oral history and the principles of ethnographic research, through the role of teacher and researcher, pedagogical practice has consisted of strategies (de Certeau, 2009), which indicated alternative ways to treat reading as a process and a project to struggle alienation and ignorance. The study brings evidences about the use of the portfolio for the widening of reading practices and indicates the teacher as a mediator who assists the readers reconstitution in the context of basic school current needs.


formação de professores leitura portfólios ideologia teacher education reading portfolio in education ideology

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