Narração e doutrina na Constante Florinda: exempla estóicos para a vida cristã / Narration and doctrine in Constante Florinda: exempla stoics for christian life




Gaspar Pires de Rebelos Infortúnios trágicos da constante Florinda was published in 1625. Given its conspicuous success, a sequel, Segunda parte da Constante Florinda, em que se trata dos infortúnios que teve Arnaldo buscando-a pelo mundo, came out in 1633. Constante Florinda (this is the title both parts became known as), largely disseminated in the 17th and 18th centuries, was nonetheless virtually forgotten in the subsequent centuries. This dissertation intends to analyze the aforementioned work, so as to highlight not only rhetorical and poetic procedures, but also stoic-christian lessons which lie beneath both the narrative and the doctrine of Constante Florinda. Bearing this goal in mind, this study will first focus on rhetorical and poetic precepts which render it possible to think about the ars narrandi, that is to say, a narrative technique that the narrator (as persona gnara) deeply understands, thus being able to employ it when reporting the tragic misfortunes of Florinda and Arnaldo. If one of the purposes of this narration is to teach something to its readers, since the latter must be moved not only by delight, but also by profit, we also intend to adduce the lessons of the stories the narrator tells. Therefore, we mean to demonstrate that the profit from the narration of Florindas and Arnaldos misfortunes reflects 16th and 17th-century stoic-christian doctrine, profoundly advertised by authors such as Justus Lipsius and Francisco de Quevedo. Last but not least, our dissertation has it as an inherent intention to stress its artifice. Only in our study can narration and doctrine be set apart, since in Constante Florinda they emerge simultaneously: narration is also doctrine, and conveys the (tragic) paths, with stoic exempla, of christian life.


filosofia estóica 16th and 17th centuries stoic philosophy retórica poética poetics portuguese literature rhetoric literatura portuguesa - séculos xvi e xvii

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