"Não sei fazer redação!": o desafio da produção textual no projeto "Penso, logo escrevo"




This work aims at providing a critical view of the object produced in the activity Penso, logo escrevo (I think, therefore I write) in the Portuguese language classes of the evening 3rd year of High School at the Prof. Ruth Cabral Troncarelli school. The Penso, logo escrevo project, which was initially put forward by the teacher-author of the activity to work with text production in the classroom, was turned into the object for the research project in 2007, in 2007 when he decided to reflect about students production and their relation with language capacities so that they felt able and prepared to produce a text. The specific questions for this research are: 1) What are the meanings regarding text production that students brought up in texts produced during the writing tasks? 2) What were the meanings about text production expressed by the students in classroom discussions about rewriting? What was the impact of the Penso, logo escrevo project activity in the statistics of the students texts? Within the Applied Linguistics context, whose dynamic nature seeks to study a wide variety of issues in different contexts mediated and constituted by language (LIBERALI et alii, 2006), the present study is inserted in the theoretical frame of the socio-historical-cultural development (VYGOTSKY, 1934), in the enunciative and dialogical perspective of language (BAKHTIN, 1929), and in the genre approach and the language capacities development (SCHNEUWLY &DOLZ, 2004). This research uses critical collaboration (MAGALHÃES, 2003), whose focus is on intervening to transform classroom practices so that the teacher-researcher and student interaction can have spaces in which the latter are invited to actively participate in the object production for the task. The analysis focus on the re-writing task, based on the teacher-researcher s video-recording of a class in which the students discuss their peers rewriting of the texts produced during the writing task activity and on the statistic survey about text production made by the teacher throughout the last five years. Categories of analysis are general textual plan and the thematic content survey (BRONCKART, 2007), the language capacities used for text production (DOLZ &SCHNEUWLY, 2004) and the statistic basis to assess the impact of the project. Results reveal that from the approach proposed by the project, students become capable of producing texts at a satisfactory level once they understand and expand the language capacities used in the production, being able to relate more aspects of life, learning the organizational argumentative structuring and paying more attention to linguistic aspects that are used in argumentative genres


argumentacao text production at school argumentation lingua portuguesa -- competicao e exercicios produção textual na escola meanings about text production linguistica aplicada generos literarios sentidos sobre produção de textos projeto penso, logo escrevo lingua portuguesa (ensino medio) -- estudo e ensino

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