NanocompÃsito montmorilonita/polipirrol: preparaÃÃo,caracterizaÃÃo e aplicaÃÃo como sensores de volÃteis




Clay/polymer nanocomposites have been sufficiently studied during some time because they could be used in industrial applications. Clay is a Phyllosilicate Subclass Mineral, it is formed by sheets, layers or lamels and has a Tetrahedron- Octahedron-Tetrahedron (TOT) like structure with free hydroxile and cations between the lamels and on the surface. In this way, the ionic exchange occurs easier. Because the lamellar structure of clay, it can be intercalated by diverse materials, such as polymers. Isolating polymers have received certain amounts of clay in order to improve their characteristics, as their use in flame retardation and as barrier for chemical vapors, solvents and gases. In another way, not-isolating polymers (conducting) have being used as an appropriated material for intercalation into clay due the possibility to share the polymer electric properties with the clay thermal properties. In this work, montmorillonite/polypyrrole nanocomposites had been developed, using distinct techniques: aqueous in situ polymerization, solvent evaporation and polymerization from metallic ions. Montmorillonite/polypyrrole nanocomposite, prepared by aqueous in situ polymerization, has received the application as sensor from volatile substances. The sensor was prepared using a glass substratum re-covered with, Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) and adhered to its surface. The sensibility of each sensor is measured by electric resistance variation and calculated in terms of fractional difference. Nanocomposites had been characterized by X-Ray Diffraction, Fourier Transformed Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR), Zeta Potential, electronic microscopy and conductivity measures, using available equipment in Non Conventional Polymers laboratory (PNC) and other laboratories in the Physics Department (UFPE)


sensores de volÃteis polÃmeros ciencias exatas e da terra polipirrol nanocompÃsitos montmorilonita

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