Na linha do metrà : um estudo dos sentidos do trabalho para as mulheres que atuam como ambulantes nas estaÃÃes do metrà do Recife




This is a thesis in the line research of Psicossocial Processes, Power and Practical Collective, that had as objective central office to understand and to analyze the directions that the women attribute to the remunerated activities that carry through as ambulant. For this, it was looked to understand the reasons that had taken them to be ambulant in the Subway; to know the importance that they give to the money whom they receive as ambulant and the value of this for its families; to understand if each one of them considers the activities that carry through in the station as its work; to understand what they go to make to arrive themselves to be you banish from the Subway; and to identify its future professional expectations. This thesis had as referential theoretical the Social Psychology and the study of the discursive practices and the production of directions. Two levels of approach with the boarded subject had been used as methodology: the comment carried through in the Station of the Subway Joana Bezerra, in the city of Recife, registering the information in the daily one of field and the interviews carried through with 10 women who work as ambulant in this same station. As result, it was observed that the women of the Subway consider what they make as work. For they, to be ambulant is its work, is its half one of survival. These workers are in the subway from Monday to Saturday, ones from Sunday to Sunday, and obey a fond schedule of and exit. In such a way, one concluded that although these ambulant ones to know of the precariousness of the work that they carry through, without the guarantees that a bond with official register offers, they fight for its space in the Subway, resisting the difficulties, as the competition, the lack of money to restitute the merchandises and to the threat to be you banish from the station. They had been observed, also, women who, exactly considering what they make as work, dream in having a job "good job, with official register", others that would like to have a proper business and many that nor dream more, only go taking the life and, therefore, they do not want to leave the station, making of the activity that half develop as ambulant in the Subway its only one of survival, its only work


divisÃo sexual do trabalho psicologia sexual division of the work trabalho feminino trabalho informal informality informalidade feminine work informal work

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