N-terminal methionine-specific peptidase in Salmonella typhimurium.


Crude extracts of a multiply peptidase-deficient strain of Salmonella typhimurium contain an aminopeptidase that specifically removes N-terminal methionine from peptides. This activity shows pronounced specificity for the peptide's second amino acid. Methionine is removed from peptides with alanine, threonine, or glycine in this position but not when the second amino acid is leucine or methionine. The activity is stimulated by Co2+ and is inhibited by EDTA. Mutations that lead to overproduction (up to 30-fold) of the activity have been obtained by selecting for growth on Met-Gly-Gly as a methionine source. These mutations map at approximately 3 map units, phage P22 cotransducible with leu. The overproducer mutations are dominant to wild type, and duplication of the wild-type allele of the locus leads to a gene dosage effect on peptidase levels. This suggests that the locus of the overproducer mutations may be the structural gene for the peptidase. NaDodSO4/PAGE shows an increased level of a single protein (34 kDa) in the overproducer mutant. This protein is highly enriched in a purified preparation of the peptidase. The specificity of this enzyme suggests that it is involved in the cleavage of methionine from newly synthesized peptide chains. This activity can specifically remove methionine from the N terminus of a completed protein. Treatment of purified, unprocessed (N-terminal methionine) interleukin 1 beta with the purified peptidase results in removal of N-terminal methionine with no additional alterations. N-terminal processing of at least this protein can occur after translation is complete. We propose to call this enzyme peptidase M (methionine-specific aminopeptidase).

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