Mutually connected DPLL networks: modelling, simulation and optimization. / Redes mutuamente conectadas de DPLLs: modelagem, simulação e otimização.




Clock-distribution is an essential feature in many engineering applications as, for example, telecommunications networks and digital integrated circuits. In the last few decades this problem was predominantly addressed using master-slave strategies. In this type of strategy there are precise reference oscillators in the network called masters and their signals are distributed in the network, other oscillators called slaves (PLLs) extract the time basis from the line signals. Recently the development of wireless communication networks and the increasing size of digital integrated circuits and their rising operation frequencies indicate the need for the use of mutually-connected networks for the issue of clock-distribution. In this work mutually-connected networks of PLLs are studied in order to obtain conditions for the acquisition of a synchronous state for the network concerning the node parameters and the connection pattern of the network. Furthermore, numerical experiments were conducted to validate analytic results. Finally, a method is proposed, based on evolutionary algorithms, for the optimization of the network parameters considering the robustness and the ability to reject noise in the network as objectives.


mutually connected networks pll pll synchronization networks redes mutuamente conectadas dynamical systems redes de sincronismo sistemas dinâmicos

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