Mutant of Escherichia coli Deficient in the Synthesis of cis-Vaccenic Acid


A temperature-sensitive unsaturated fatty acid (fabA) auxotroph of Escherichia coli was found also to be deficient in the elongation of palmitoleic acid to cis-vaccenic acid. Reversion and transductional analyses demonstrate that this second phenotype and the fabA mutation are independent in action and are not cotransduced. The deficiency in conversion of palmitoleic acid to cis-vaccenic acid was also demonstrated in vitro, and these results strongly suggest this phenotype is due to a deficiency in an elongation enzyme. We suggest that the phenotype may have been selected during growth because it can physiologically compensate for the fabA lesion. In fab+ strains, the inability to synthesize cis-vaccenic acid is physiologically asymptomatic. Such strains grow normally at all temperatures tested and are not sodium sensitive. Although the parental strain has an increased amount of cis-vaccenic acid in cells grown at 15 C, the mutant does not. Since the mutant grows normally at 15 C, the data indicate that increased amounts of cis-vaccenic acid are not required for growth at 15 C.

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