Mutações da cultura midiática radiofônica: a nova práxis na produção de conteúdos digitais


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The question of content production for the communication media inserted in the scanning process and, consequently, the actual process of technological convergence issues are largely unexplored in the academic world. Accordingly, we set for digital radio, our object of study, the following problem: the media culture of radio mutations raise a new practice in digital content production. Regarding the approach to the problem this research is qualitative in nature. As the study s goals is characterized as an exploratory study, but is also structured on certain aspects that guide the dialectical approach, since our object is in an area of frequent mutation, the digital environment. The survey takes into account the four laws of media by McLuhan established about the consequences caused by technological innovations in media culture. The study is divided into five chapters, whose discussion turns to considerations of reinventing media, technological and cultural Brazilian radio, internet radio and the relationship, the reflection on the main characteristics of digital radio, its challenges, impacts and experiences , trends and perspectives, the approach of the current environment of technological convergence and its contributions to the design of new languages for radio content, the discussion about the new practice in the production of digital content from the literature review of media genres and the suggestion new radio formats that are based on the adoption of interactive features and contextually convergent able to enhance the performance of new users listeners of digital radio.


formatos radiofônicos produção de conteúdos convergência cultura midiática rádio digital comunicacao culture media digital radio convergence content production radio formats

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