MÚSICA NA DOCÊNCIA DE EDUCADORAS ESPECIAIS: Um estudo em escolas de Santa Maria/RS / MUSIC IN TEACHING OF SPECIAL EDUCATORS: a study in schools of Santa Maria/RS




The present study was linked to education and research line of Arts PPGE/UFSM and FAPEM research group: training, action and research in music education. It aimed to understand how the special educators, who teach in schools of basic education of Santa Maria, understand and use music in their teaching practices. The specific objectives are: (a) to investigate how the special educator includes music in his teaching practice and (b) to know the job type of music that is performed by the special educator. A qualitative research was carried out through interviews with fifteen special educator focused on schools of basic education of Santa Maria. The analysis of interviews came from two categories that comprise the speeches of special educators: understanding of music and acting with music in teaching. Being divided into two parts, the dissertation, at first, presents the special education, through the historic paths and musical education directed to people with disabilities. Secondly, the development of research is presented. At the end of this survey, it can be seen that the music is present in the practices of those special education teachers interviewed, in different shapes and intentions.


educacao música music atuação de educadoras especiais com música special education the acting of special educators by using music educação especial

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