Musica e linguagem verbal : uma analise comparativa entre a leitura musical cantada e aspectos selecionados da leitura verbal




This study aims to examine the relationships between sightsinging and certain aspects of linguistic ability related to verbal reading. It was motivated by the fact that the analogies between music and verbal language are frequent but, in general, the fruit of varied opinions and not the result of researches.The following musical variables have been tested and appropriately quantified: sightsinging and interval discrimination. In the same way, the following linguistic-analytic variables: language analysis and numbers learning. And, finally, the following linguistic-auditive variables: sound-symbol association and sound discrimination.Besides these variables, a questionnaire allowed the study of the following aspects regarding the subjects previous musical background: active participation, interest in sightsinging, self-evaluation and musical influences in their childhood.In a sample, 48 undergraduate students in music at the State University of Campinas have been examined on the abilities in questiono The results have been submitted to statistic analysis.The correlation coefficients (pearson and Spearman) have been calculated and submitted to t tests to verify if the linguisticauditive variables are significantly more related to the musical variables than the linguistic-analytic variables.The analysis of the results indicates that there is a low correlation between the linguistic variables and the musical variables (from 0.017 to 0.376). Even so, it can be noticed that these correlations always occur with the linguistic-auditive variables (from 0.208 to 0.376, most of the time significant at leveI 0.05) while the linguistic-analytic variables have closer to zero coefficients (from 0.017 to 0.194, non-significant).However it is not possible to discard the possibility that the differences of the correlations between the linguisticauditive and analytic variables and the musical variables are a matter of chance. The only exceptions occur when the result of partial totaIs are considered. In these cases the differences may be a little more significant.Concerning the aspects of previous musical background, a multivaried analysis of these factors with predictive purposes resulted in very ineffective models.The conclusions show that the low positive correlations found between sightsinging and the linguistic variables studied may even suggest the existence of common factors but, as long as these factors have not been more precisely determined, the analogies between sightsinging and verbal reading must always be done cautiously


linguistica - testes de aptidão musica - instrução e estudo

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