Mus Spretus Line-1 Sequences Detected in the Mus Musculus Inbred Strain C57bl/6j Using Line-1 DNA Probes


The inbred mouse strain, C57BL/6J, was derived from mice of the Mus musculus complex. C57BL/6J can be crossed in the laboratory with a closely related mouse species, M. spretus to produce fertile offspring; however there has been no previous evidence of gene flow between M. spretus and M. musculus in nature. Analysis of the repetitive sequence LINE-1, using both direct sequence analysis and genomic Southern blot hybridization to species-specific LINE-1 hybridization probes, demonstrates the presence of LINE-1 elements in C57BL/6J that were derived from the species M. spretus. These spretus-like LINE-1 elements in C57BL/6J reveal a cross to M. spretus somewhere in the history of C57BL/6J. It is unclear if the spretus-like LINE-1 elements are still embedded in flanking DNA derived from M. spretus or if they have transposed to new sites. The number of spretus-like elements detected suggests a maximum of 6.5% of the C57BL/6J genome may be derived from M. spretus.

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