Municipalização do ensino fundamental e qualidade do ensino: estudo de caso do Município de Martinópolis / Municipalization of the elementary school system and quality of education: A case study of the Municipality of Martinópolis




The purpose of this study was to verify if the process of school municipalization in the Municipality of Martinópolis contributed for the quality improvement of municipal education. To such purpose, this research study tried to identify the policies and actions of the Municipal Secretary of Education of Martinópolis which targeted the quality improvement of education of the Municipality, to analyze the impact of these policies and actions on the activities of the municipal schools according to the perspective of the secretaries of education of two municipal administrations, of school supervisers and coordinators of the Municipality and of the principals of municipal schools, and finally to verify if, along the process of consolidation of school municipalization, the municipalized schools of Martinópolis presented significant improvement in their performance in the external evaluations Prova Brasil and SARESP, having as reference their performance in the previous condition of state school. This research used the case study approach of a predominantly qualitative nature for understanding, in a deeper way, the process of municipalization implemented by the Municipality of Martinópolis. For the qualitative data collection, a guide of semi-structured interview was used. For the analysis of the municipalized schools performance in Portuguese and Mathematics, the results of SARESP in the years 1996, 1997 (at the state administration), in the years 2004, 2005 and 2008 (at the municipal administration) and of the Prova Brasil in the years 2005 and 2007 were utilized. Among the main politics and actions implemented by the municipal government, three were unanimously cited by the interviewees: the continuity of the actions initiated by the previous government, the investment in teacher training and the student learning improvement. The analysis of the results of SARESP, in the years 1996, 1997, 2004, 2005 and 2008 and of the results of Prova Brasil, in the years 2005 and 2007, showed that the performance of the municipal schools of Martinópolis, in Portuguese Language and in Mathematics, displayed an evolution not significant and the municipal schools could not reach the standards established by these evaluation systems for characterizing a quality education. Many actions were implemented by the Municipality of Martinópolis for improving the quality of education, but they were not reflected in the results of the external evaluations.


educacao avaliação externa municipalização do ensino ensino fundamental. municipalization of the elementary education. elementary school system. quality of education. external evaluation qualidade do ensino

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