Multimedia application development, using an hypermedia device by teaching-learning process in endodontics / "Desenvolvimento de aplicativo computacional, valendo-se da hipermídia como recurso de ensino-aprendizagem em endodontia"




The educative material (containing, partially, dental internal configuration and endodontic access), and the choice about the exercise theme used in this device are experimental. To produce it, all the audiovisual devices usually used traditionally by the Endodontic Discipline were partially digitalized and processed. It allowed hypermedia technology potential exploration. This teaching devices allowed the theme active exploration by the students. The aim of this study was a multimedia application development using an hypermedia device by teaching-learning process in endodontics, to: • allows an interdisciplinary exploration about the theme and the audiovisual devices; • to make possible the non-linear and interactive navigation of the informations, with learning motivated characteristics, based in searches and associations, and transmitted in different medias. The Endodontics Students and Professors (Dentistry Faculty - Endodontics Discipline) were the aim public. The classroom is the ideal environment to use this device. Even if this device can stay in computer laboratories, libraries, CD-ROMs; could be accessed by a restricted environment or by a local net (Intranet), the advice is to an individual navigation.


endodontia education technology ensino-aprendizagem teaching-learning tecnologia educacional endodontic

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