Multifaceted identity: the reconstruction of "being indigenous" among the middle Juruna Xing? / Identidade multifacetada: a reconstrução do "ser indígena" entre os Juruna do médio Xingú




The Juruna Indians have inhabited the valley of the Xingu River, and as it can be proved, since the 17th Century. After successive interethnic contacts, they went through ?decharacterization? processes from a cultural point view. Nowadays, they find themselves living in varying sociospacial situations, as those who inhabit Paqui?amba Indigenous Land, those who are located on the Great Bend of the Xingu, and others who live in the periphery of the city of Altamira, Par? State, Brazil. Recently, the Juruna have strived to be considered as a legitimate indigenous identity, which is achieved through documents and orality about their history, and rites and diverse artistic manifestations, which is the main focus of this work. The research reveals the constitution of a multifaceted identity, which is driven by various realities in which they are involved.


memória mixed indians. Índios juruna - xingu, rio (pa) - história Índios juruna - xingu river (brazil) - history Índios juruna - xingu, rio (pa) identidade re-invention of traditions movement indian indians of south america brazil - manners and customs memory identity índios misturados invenção de tradições moviemento indígena Índios juruna - xingu, river (brasil) etnologia indigena Índios da américa do sul - brasil - usos e costumes

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