Mulheres soropositivas para HIV : sentimentos associados a maternidade e a orfandade




This dissertation, composed of two articles, seeks to disclose the feelings of HIV-positive women associated to motherhood and orphanhood and identify the course of action planned or taken by them regarding the care of their children in case of maternal illness or death caused by Aids. A qualitative study was carried out using the technique of personal testimonies. The interviewees were women who were pregnant when informed that they were HIV positive and women who, knowing that they were HIV positive did not want to have a child or decided to have one. A total of 12 women were interviewed. A thematic content analysis was carried out through the interviews transcription. The results show that the women understood the motherhood as an essential attribute of women, perceived as the reason that maintains the desire to live, representing continuity of life beyond death. Their perception of motherhood as a woman?s right made legitimate their desire to become mothers. The pregnant women and those who planned on having children after being diagnosed HIV positive were afraid of transmitting the virus to the baby. This same fear determined the decision of the women who did not want to have children once they hear the diagnosis. Breastfeeding was felt as a fundamental component of the maternal role and not being able to breastfeed caused guilt feelings. A lack of preparation was observed with regard to dealing with the physical and emotional consequences of being urged not to breastfeed. The potential orphanhood of their children gave rise to a depressive sensation having abandoned them, mobilizing feelings of impotence and guilt, which led to distress. In order to minimize such feelings they resorted to defense mechanisms like compensation, projection, rationalization and denial. Many of the HIV positive women had difficulty in planning and taking steps regarding the care of their children in case of maternal illness or death. They felt guilty and did not want to even think about this issue. They understood that worrying about the disease and death was the same as giving the opportunity for these things to happen sooner. When a pregnancy was planned after they were informed of the diagnosis, planning would include the care and support of the child, which was negotiated with the family. It was observed that family relationships may be an important source of support or stress. Concluded that the the attention to HIV consequences in the lives of seropositives women must be reviewed, because, althought the disease can be controlled by following specific medical recommendations, this is not sufficient to guarantee either tranquility or emotional balance to the women affected. They require continuous support to guide them regarding their own physical and emotional health as well as that of their children, in the situation of disadvantage represented by the mother being HIV positive. It includes the need to extend the information on HIV/Aids to the members of the women?s families


relações mães-filho ego (psicologia) mecanismo (psicologia) emoções mulheres soropositividade para hiv relações familiares hiv (virus) maternidade orfãos

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