Mulheres na gerência: um estudo sobre a qualidade de vida das trabalhadoras em empresas de Dourados, estado de Mato Grosso do Sul




The present study describes the legal advance, the historical trajectory, the role and the performance of the hard working women in the business enterprise command, and points their difficulties in facing double working day. It conceptualizes management and leadership, linking them to the quality of life and quality of life at work of the workers population. The objective of the study was to verify the level of quality of life of the women who perform the function of management in companies of Dourados, in Mato Grosso do Sul State. This analytical-descriptive study evaluated a 139 women sample, most of them hired, included by convenience. The used instrument was the SF-36, The Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey, that evaluates eight domains: Functional capacity, Physical aspect, Pain, General health state, Vitality, Social aspect, Emotional aspect and Mental health. Verifying the social demographic characteristics, the results showed that the managers, in their majority, are: over 40, married, living with the nuclear family, university level professionals of financial area, more than 10 years in the function, with satisfactory income to maintain themselves, with autonomy to make deals and invest. In their majority, they are healthy, catholic and attend to a church. Interrelating these characteristics to the investigated domains, it was identified, as interfering in the quality of life of these workers, among other factors, evidences of exposition in the domains Pain and Vitality for hired managers; exposition in the domains General health state, Mental health and Pain for women with low salaries; and exposition in all domains for 31 to 35 years old managers when compared to women in other age groups. On the other hand, widows presented Vitality and Emotional aspect favored in their quality of life when compared to unmarried, divorced or married women; owners presented Functional capacity, Physical aspect and Social aspect favored when compared to hired managers; women with higher salaries presented all domains favored when compared to women with low salaries. However, analyzing specifically each one of the SF-36 eight domains, it was observed that they dont interfere in the quality of life of this population. A comparison between the observed frequency distribution and the normal theoretical distribution showed more women with high scores in all domains, evidencing a Best quality of life. According to Pearsons correlation, it was seen that Pain was interrelated to Physical aspect and Social aspect; it was also evidenced a strong interrelation among Social aspect and Vitality, Pain and Mental health, favoring a social integration appropriate to quality of life. The results showed also a strong and relevant interrelation between Vitality and Mental health, that suggests that the bigger the vitality of these women, the better is their mental health or the inverse way. This was a pioneer work in Dourados, a relatively big city in Mato Grosso do Sul State, and the results of the study showed that the quality of life of the investigated managers was not exposed, assuming this is a privileged population in the present workplace. These managers made evident to be prepared for functions and people management, at home or at work, as well as they are conscious of their multiple roles and demonstrate capacity and balance in their own management.


psicologia mulheres quality of life in work qualidade de vida no trabalho; mulheres nos negócios qualidade de vida no trabalho management. gerência women

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