Mulheres em cozinhas e terreiros, palcos de chorados (MT) e batuques (SP)




The present text concerns dance as an element, which can polarize and at the same time bring together some people s experience of life. For this, it s focused the manifestation of "Batuque" (from the cities of Capivari, Piracicaba and Tietêl SP) and "Chorado" (from the city of Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade/MT), with emphasis on the female participants. The objective of this work is the socializations of the author s experience, as a researcher, an artist and an educator, being touched by dance, songs and conversation with popular artists, real masters in the field, emerging reflections of new ways. The wholeness and the capacity of transformation of the "Batuqueiras" and dancers of "Chorado" are important elements that contribute for the reflection in the professional lives of educators and artists


memoria cultura popular dança

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