Mulheres em ação...católica




This work deals with the feminine performance in the catholic laity in Belém, between 1939 and 1947, in a moment in which the Brazilian Catholic Church tried to confirm its political influence, receiving orientation from the Holy See to organize the Catholic Action in the country, which had already been implemented by Pius XI and was being carried out by his successor, Pius XII, who assumed the Church in the beginning of the Second World War. It is intended to perceive how the dialogue between the women that participated in various forms of Catholic Action in Belém and the Church occurred to implement this new model of laity, differentiated by the incentive of greater laic participation in the catholic hierarchy, even though extremely watched. The sources used are documents of the catholic hierarchy, such as the papal encyclicals and the pastoral letters, and also the newspaper A Palavra and the magazine organized by the Feminine Catholic Action, entitled Quero. Another non-catholic newspaper, Folha do Norte, was also used, besides books on the Catholic Action. The women in Belém showed greater interest than the male public in relation to the proposal of the Catholic Action. In this sense, it is attempted exactly to perceive which actions were carried out by the women, how they lived this laity, which events were performed with their help, and how their catholic messages regarding the apostolate were re-elaborated or not. Among the debates, it should be highlighted the negotiations and/or prohibitions in relation to feminine behavior in the so-called modern society, which for the Church was being designed since the French Revolution. Around the concept of modern mentality, formulated by the catholic press of Belém, it was sought to perceive how the Church faced the changes in the day-to-day of the city and of the women, which was being generated since the end of the 19th century. The new leisure places, where the catholic influence was not ensured, gained special attention. The movie theater, for example, would be the diffuser by excellence of fashion. Such issues signaled the effort of adaptation and the Constant defense of the institution in relation to such changes


leigos (religião) - igreja católica modernidade woman apostolado leigo movie theater historia do brasil catholic church laic apostolate modernity mulheres e religião catholic action catholic press belém ação católica - belém, pa cinema imprensa católica

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