Mulheres da fronteira: identidade negra de mulatas na cidade de São Paulo




This dissertation main objective is to investigate the identity the mulata, to find out if they see themselves as mulattoes, as Black or as White women, in view of the fact they live in a racist society. The meanings of race, racism and gender are explored here so as to better understand these women. To accomplish the task at hand the life stories of thirteen mulatto women were analyzed and through their voices, which made them my co-authors, it is also possible to notice the ambiguity present in their identities. This study also examines if to be a mulata is the same as to be a Black woman or if there are specificities which make them a separate group within the group of Black women. It recognizes that they inhabit the frontier, and are in constant movement between the Black and the White side and therefore, the construction of the mulata identity is a long-lasting process that is, often, painful


identidade identity ciencias sociais aplicadas woman racismo miscegenation mulher negras -- identidade racial -- sao paulo (cidade) mulata miscigenação mulatas -- identidade racial -- sao paulo (cidade) racism

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