Mudanças recentes no mundo do trabalho e o fenômeno população em situação de rua no Brasil: 1995-2005




This dissertation proposes to show the relations between the recent changes in the world of labor and the phenomenon of homelessness in Brazil, in the period between 1995 and 2005. In this perspective, it analyses the labor in its double meaning, according to the Marxist view: as an activity of human beings in the building up of responses to their needs in every social way; and, in the condition it happens in the capitalist society, with the function to create the values of the goods. In this condition, it is considered in the context of transformations promoted by the capitalism in the recent years. Besides, it brings a characterization of the phenomenon and of the homeless population; shows a contemporary profile of this population and indicates relations that develop with the social policies in Brazil. Considering this phenomenon as a radical expression of the social question in the contemporaneity, linked to a formation of relative superpopulation, it analyses it, in the studied period, comparatively with the recent changes in the world of labor, by the relation between variables in the contemporary profile of the homeless population and variables of the particularities on the formation of the work market in Brazil, of the changes on the occupational composition and of the structure of the unemployment. The research had an exclusive documental nature and it aimed to generalize analysis about the population living in the streets in Brazil. Thus, the main sources of data searched were researches about this populational group in four big Brazilian cities: Porto Alegre (in 1995 and 1999), Belo Horizonte (in 1998 and 2005), São Paulo (in 2000 and 2003) and Recife (in 2004 and 2005).The methodological and theoretical path confirmed the starting hypothesis: the phenomenon of homelessness is a synthesis of multiple determinations. In capitalist societies, its production and reproduction are linked to the inherent processes of the capital accumulation, from the relation between capital and labor. In Brazil, between 1995 and 2005, the changes in the world of labor contributed to the enlargement of a relative superpopulation or industrial reserve army, widened the social inequalities and increased the levels of vulnerability of the working class, placing the relation with the labor in the center of the determinations of the phenomenon.


superpopulação relativa servico social reestruturação produtiva productive restructuring industrial reserve army capitalismo população em situação de rua pobreza exército industrial de reserva homeless population capitalism relative superpopulation trabalho labor

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