Motor profile of children in infantile education: longitudinal study / Perfil motor de crianças na educação infantil : estudo longitudinal




The purpose of this study was to investigate through eighteen months, the motor development of 2-6 year-old kids, males and females, enrolled in childrens education in two different private schools in Florianópolis,SC. For data collection it was used the Scale for Motor Development EDM (ROSA NETO, 2002), which encompasses a group of tests that evaluate the following motor skills: fine motricity, global motricity, balance, body scheme, spatial organization and time organization. Also, Excell 2003 was used for data storage and for obtaining age and motor quotient from the participants. Epi-Info 6.0 software was used for data treatment and analysis. Data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistics (frequency, percentages, average, standard deviation, variance minimum value, maximum value and median). Also, Comparative Analysis (T-student test) was used. Kruskal-Wallis Test was used for parametric variables. And Linear Regression Test or Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used for correlation analysis. The significance level for the tests (hypothesis ) as 95%. Semi-structured interviews were performed lo collect information about school context with the teachers, adapted from Berleze (2002), presenting questions about motor experience opportunities offered to the children at school. The results found show that the general motor development in most of the pre-scholars evaluated during these eighteen months was considered normal, normal medium according to the Scale for Motor Development EDM (ROSA NETO, 2002). It wasnt found significant differences on the general motor development of pre-scholars among the three motor evaluations performed. Concerning gender, significant differences were found between boys and girls in fine and global motor skills, and temporal organization. Concerning school context, it is believed that the motor activities schools offer may contribute to foster motor development in motor skills in general in pre-scholars. It can he concluded that the changes in motor development occur through time, in a progressive non-linear mode, varying according to maturity and stimulus of each child.


educação infantil avaliação motora motor evaluation motor development desenvolvimento motor childrens education educacao fisica

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