Motivação e intervenção em estratégias de aprendizagem para compreensão leitora


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study is a quasi-experimental design based research, which outlines procedures for nine intervention sessions with the aim of evaluating the extent to which an intervention can enhance reading comprehension strategies and motivation in students. The theoretical framework that guided this investigation are the Expectancy-Value Theory, the Theory of Information Processing, as well as general cognitive approaches to reading comprehension. Participating on this research are Fifth-grade students in a Public School located in Londrina-PR. The interventions took place at the school environment, applying every ethical standards and procedures for research with human beings. Taking part on the experimental group are students who attend the Support Room, and on the control group are students who attend the same grade, but do not attend the Support Room. Students have been evaluated in a three step process, through the use of the following instruments: (a) Scale of Learning and Reading Comprehension Strategies; (b) The Cloze technique; (c) Items Assessing Self-Perception in Children and the Task Perceptions on the Domain of Mathematics and Portuguese, and; (d) Mathematical Problems. The Experimental Group participated in nine intervention sessions, receiving motivational support, as well as the teaching of Learning and Reading Strategies. The results indicated an improvement in reading comprehension, most of whom have reached an Independent Level in reading. There was also an enhancement of the Learning Strategies on both groups. It is believed that the results obtained in this study can be much useful for educators and educational psychologists, in addition to revealing the importance of educating and training teachers to be able to learn and teach strategically, regarding the development of reading comprehension and motivation in learning.


educação - aprendizagem psicologia educacional motivação na educação ensino fundamental - compreensão de leitura leitura - aprendizagem técnica cloze formação de professores education learnine educational psychology motivation in education elementary school reading comprehension

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