Moscas ectoparasitas de morcegos na Fazenda Campo Verde, Parque Nacional da Serra da Bodoquena, MS, e o efeito da distancia geográfica e da composição da comunidade de hospedeiros sobre a comunidade de moscas parasitas de morcegos do centro-sul do Brasil / Batflies (Diptera: Streblidae e Nycteribiidae) from bats in the Campo Verde farm, Serra da Bodoquena National Park, MS, and the effect of the geographic distance and host composition on the batfly communities in south-central region Brasil.




The objective of this study is to describe host-parasites relationship using the prevalence, abundance and mean intensities indexes. Beside, I tested the influence of sex and reproductive stage in theses indexes. A total of 12 bat species was collected in 359 individuals of the Phyllostomidae family. Within these bats 178 were parasitized with 337 individuals of bat flies, in a total of 16 species of Streblidae. Only the prevalence of Megistopoda aranae on adult females of Artibeus planirostris was significant greater than youngers and pregnants, probably due to social organization of this bat species. The higher streblid richness in the Serra da Bodoquena probably due to the quality of the bat shelters in the area. In this study I verify whether the supracommunity of streblid bat flies is influenced by geographic distance and/or host species composition. Present results show no relation between supracommunity similarity and geographic distance but show a strong influence of host species composition on the bat fly species composition. The higher dispersion abilities of bat flies could influence the lack of relation between supracommunity similarities and geographic distance. High host specificity of bat flies is an explanation to strong relation between bat flies species composition and bat host composition.


ectoparasitismo phyllostomidae streblidae macroecology cerrado brazilian savanna host densities macroecologia ecologia ectoparasitism densidade de hospedeiro

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