Morphoquantitative aspects of undernourishment-induced neuroplasticity in the rat´s celiac ganglion neurons. / Aspectos morfoquantitativos da neuroplasticidade induzida por desnutrição no gânglio celíaco de ratos




The celiac ganglion belongs to the celiac plexus which consists of a net of nerves and supportive tissues. The celiac ganglia, even, are alonged and locate along the caudal face of the origin of the celiac artery. On the left side the ganglion is linked by an interganglionar branch. It is intimately in contact with the surface of the aorta. The autonomous innervation of most of the abdominal organs is made by the celiac plexus and these include the pancreas, liver, kidney, gall bladder, epíplon, mesentery, stomach, small intestine and ascendant and transversal portions of the colon. The proteic-caloric undernourishment is one of the largest problems of public health in the world, representing about 40% of the hospitalized patients in underdeveloped nations. Thus, the study of the extrinsic innervation of the gastrointestinal treatment (represented by the celiac ganglion) of rat, under the stereological and morphometric aspects, during states of proteic denutrition will be fundamental to objectively precise (and not empirically) the possible neuronal damages caused by the undernourishment. Still, the knowledge of these quantitative information can be useful in the understanding of the pathogenesis of the autonomous hipoproteic neuropathy and consequently in its treatment, improving the quality of life of patients, animals and humans. During this study, six left celiac ganglions of newborn male rats Albinus Wistar coming from coupling during a period from seven to ten days were used. Three of the mice were undernourished and three clinically healthy (clinical absence of neuropathies) were used as control. For the animals it was offered water with no restrictions and a proteic diet (20% of protein-casein) for the females that generated the group of control constituted by three animals which will be denominated nurtured (N) and a hipoproteic diet (5% of casein) for the females that generate the undernourished group also composed of three animals (D). The sampling was accomplished uniformly, systematic and aleatory, ganglionar volume or volume of the ganglion (Vref), total number of neurons (N), neuronal density (NV), neuronal volume (Vn), density of neuronal volume (Vv). All stereological parameters presented superior values (quite significant). The results suggest the existence of biological differences, in other words, the undernourished animals presented larger neurons and in larger number, but distributed one far from the other, the undernourished ones presented smaller and less neurons, and distributed in a smaller number in the ganglion.


celiac ganglion estereologia desnutrição stereology undernourishment ratos gânglio celíaco rats

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