Morphology of the male reproductive tract of capybara: a study of the glands annexed to the urethra / Morfologia do trato reprodutor masculino de capivara: estudo das glândulas anexas à uretra




For the realization of the macro and microscopical studies on the glands annexed to the urethra, twelve capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris) were used, males and adults. Ten animals for the macroscopical study, and two for the hystological study, from which fragments of the annexed glands were collected, imersed in Bowin fixing solution, carefully washed in absolute 70° alcohol. Afterwards, they underwent the routine histological processes and died by the Hematoxilin/Eosin and Massons Tricomic methods. The morphological resuts found were: the deferent duct has a wall thickening, where light remains unchanged and whithout presence of granular epithelium, opening in the urethra at the seminal coliculum . The vesicular gland is in pair, tubular and its duct forms, in the uretra, the ejaculatory ostium with the deferent duct (seminal coliculum) and has a secretory epithelium of the pseudostratified cilindrical kind. The prostate is in pair, divided into several lobus (multilobated tubular gland), with varying shape and its ducts open at two folds adjacent to the ejaculatory ostium in the urethra and its mucosa has high and ramified folds, lined with pseudostratified cilindrical epithelium.


microscopia roedores genital organs of male animal morfologia (anatomia) microscopia Órgãos genitais do macho animal capybara capivaras rodents morphology (anatomy)

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