Morphological study on the effects of high sound pressure and Ginkgo biloba EGb 761 dry extract to the cochlea cell architecture of adult guinea pigs / "Estudo da ação do nível elevado de pressão sonora e do extrato seco de Ginkgo biloba EGb761 na citoarquitetura da cóclea de cobaias adultas"




Human exposition to excessive sound levels has been a cause for preoccupation since the early stages of our civilization. In the Modern Era, sound levels have increased not only at work but also during social and leisure activities, leading the hearing loss induced by high levels of sound pressure to be considered the second most important cause of deafness. Bearing that in mind an experimental work was designed in an attempt to search for the effects of high sound pressure and Ginkgo biloba EGb 761 dry extract to the cochlea of albino adult female guinea pigs with the evaluation of cell architecture alterations by means of light microscopy and also by the evaluation of alterations to the sensory epithelium with the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) array


cobaias noise-induced gingko biloba//therapeutic use scanning/methodos guinea pigs sound contamination cÓclea/efeitos de drogas microscopia eletrÔnica de varredura/métodos microscopy poluiÇÃo sonora efeitos do ruÍdo hearing loss perda auditiva provocada por ruÍdo electron ginkgo biloba/uso terapêutico cochle/drug effects noise effects

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