Morfometria testicular de ratos Wistar adultos tratados com infusão aquosa de catuaba (Trichilia catigua A. Juss. Meliaceae) / Testicular morphometry of adult Wistar rats treated with aqueous infusion of catuaba (Trichilia catigua A. Juss. Meliaceae)




Throughout the last decades, it was observed an increase of the search for substances of vegetal origin, which can act in the reproductive organs assisting in the performance of the sexual functions, mainly of males. However, a few works have been doing to evaluate the effect of those substances in the reproductive organs. The effect of the extracts of Trichilia catigua and the solution of Catuama had been evaluated, based on the corporal biometric values, and on the morphometry of the vesicular gland, seminiferous tubules and components of the interstitial space, in the testes of adult Wistar rats. The animals had been separated in four groups of 9 individuals each, with one control group, two groups that had received watery catuaba (T. catigua) infusion (36 and 72 mg/animal/day) and a group that has received Catuama watery solution (0.7 mL/kg/animal/day). In all the treatments, we observed the maintenance of the corporal, testicular and seminal vesicles weights, seeing that the gonadosomatic index presented significant increase in those animals dealt with the Catuama solution, when compared as the group dealt with the higher concentration of catuaba. The testicular parenchyma didnt show significant variations in the diameter, volume and length of seminiferous tubules, as well as of the height of the seminiferous epithelium. The managed extracts and solution had promoted significant reduction of the ratio of the Leydig cells and macrophages in all treated animals. Nuclear and cytoplasmic volumes from each Leydig cells had suffered important reductions in the treated groups, as well as the total volume occupied by these cells per gram of testis and per testis. These results show that the given infusions caused a deleterious effect on the population and volume of Leydig cells in the testes of the animals.


testículo testis reprodução reproduction trichilia catigua leydig cells catuama spermatogenesis catuama célula de leydig biologia geral espermatogênese trichilia catigua

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