Morfometria, assimetria flutuante e tabelas de vida e de fertilidade em Musca domestica L. (Diptera : Muscidae)




A colony of Musca domestica L. was established in the Entomology Laboratory, Department of Parasitology - UNICAMP, from adult flies collected in a poultry farm located in Santa Cruz da Conceição, São Paulo. The colony was used to determine life and fertility tables at different population densities as well as for studies on the morphometry and fluctuating asymmetry. Male and Female flies were kept in plastic cages (25 cm long X 35 cm wide X 35 cm tall) covered by a fine mesh cloth, at densities of 10, 50, 100 and 200 individuals per cage. The room temperature, was set at 27° C ± 10 C; relative humidity of 60 ± 10%, photoperiod of 12: 12 hours. Water and food was supplied ad libitum. The life and fertility table experiments were done with isolated caged individuals (males and females) and with grouped individuals (sex-ratio 1: 1). The longevity varied with density, sex and ocurrence of copulation. In average individuals kept in lower densities lived longer than the grouped ones. The sex-ratio of the descendants in all densities were approximately 1 : 1 and the probability of eggs to develop into adults was directely related to parental t1y density. The highest intrinsic rate of reproduction as well as one of the shortest rate of generational time occurred for flies kept at 200 flies/case. The morphometry and fluctuating asymmetry experiments were done with 50 parental females and male collected in the farm and flies from the 22nd laboratory generation. The wings, head, tibia and thorax were measured by 2 methods : the stereoscopic microscope with a graded ocular, and the software IMAGE PRO LlTE version 4.0 for Windows 95/NT/98. It was concluded that all the measured characters were larger on the parental sample than on the flies of the 22nd generation. In general females were larger than males, and asymmetry occurred within the same population and same sex. In addition, the parental flies were more asymmetric with a larger diference mean. These studies may be an important tool to assess biological parameters of insect species, and as background to future population control efforts


envelhecimento longevidade mosca domestica

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