Monitoring charter bus service using global positioning system / Utilização do sistema de posicionamento global para monitoramento de transporte fretado




This research aims to point out the advantages and what still needs to be improved in an Automatic Vehicle Location - AVL - system applied to the charter bus service. The sample of three charter bus lines serving Campinas University (Unicamp) s workers on their way from home to office, in a seven weak period. The AVL equipment was used to collect electronic operational data. Users information were collected automatically and manually. These data were sent through GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) to the control station and become available in the internet in real time. The itinerary and the bus stops were verified, and a financial analysis of these three lines were made. This could conclude that the system allows monitoring vehicle position and speed, bus stops, traffic points, etc. - supplying data for management and control of the service. It has showed that AVL, when applied in the Unicamp s fleet, support better management and control of routes and timetables. In this work it is also proposed improvements in the equipment that has been used


monitoramento de veiculos transportes - transito de passageiros transporte urbano global positioning system-gps automatic vehicle location-avl sistema de posicionamento global charter bus

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