Molecular identification of phytoplasmas associated to cabbage stunt and epidemiological analysis of disease / Identificação molecular de fitoplasmas associados ao enfezamento do repolho e análise epidemiológica da doença




A disease called stunt, of unknown etiology, has occurred in cabbage crops located in the green belt region of the São Paulo State (Brazil). The disease has caused serious yield losses in the last years. The symptomatology exhibited by the affected plants has been characterized by foliar chlorosis, intense red coloration of leafs, general stunt, shoot proliferation and malformation of heads, leaves and floral parts. The presence of those symptoms suggested the occurrence of phytoplasma associated with the disease. In order to investigate the possible agent of the disease, naturally infected cabbage plants were collected from the States of São Paulo, and also from Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, where the disease has occurred recently with level of intensity. Leafhoppers present in cabbage fields were sampled from Ibiúna, in São Paulo State. Total DNA was extracted and submitted to nested PCR with the universal primer pairs P1/Tint and R16 F2n/R2 and specific primers for phytoplasmas identification. PCR assays revealed the amplification of DNA fragments of 1.2kb, demonstrating consistently the presence of phytoplasma in the tissues from symptomatic plants and insects. Specific primers revealed the occurrence of phytoplasmas affiliated with the groups 16SrI and 16SrIII, both cabbage plants and leafhoppers. RFLP analyses using the restriction enzymes AluI, Bsh 12361, HhaI, HpaII, KpnI, MboI, MseI and RsaI confirmed the occurrence of phytoplasmas belonging to the same groups in plants and insects. Spatial pattern of symptomatic plants in the field was aggregated and there was no evidence of the spread plant-to-plant. This indicates a more important role of the vector behavior on spatial pattern than influences of the pathogen or host.


enfezamento (doenças de planta) repolho mollicutes fitoplasmas marcador molecular phytoplasma brassica oleracea epidemiology mollicutes

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