Molecular analysis of fecal microbiota from healthy newborns / Análise molecular da microbiota fecal de recém-nascidos saudáveis




Purpose: To evaluate by molecular methodology the fecal microbiota of healthy newborns, exclusively breastfed. Materials and methods: Fecal samples from ten neonates were analyzed on 2nd, 7th and 30th day of life, using 16S rDNA sequencing and real-time PCR for bifidobacteria. Results: The fecal bacteria diversity increased from the second to the 30th day of life. E. coli was predominant in the fecal samples from the 2nd and 7th day of life, and the samples of the 30th day. Using real-time PCR bifidobacteria were identified in all 30th day samples. Conclusion: Enterobacteria were predominant in the first week of life. On 30th day of life a greater bacterial diversity was observed with predominance of Clostridium. The initial technique didnt allow the identification of bifidobacteria.


recém-nascido técnica de tipagem bacteriana reação em cadeia da polimerase bacterial typing technique polymerase chain reaction instestinos/microbiologia neonate intestine/microbiology

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