Models for leaf area, dry matter and nutrient extraction by rice crop. / Modelos para área foliar, fitomassa e extração de nutrientes na cultura de arroz.




The objective of this study was to propose models to estimate leaf area index, dry matter and uptake macronutrients, and to determinate the maximum N and K uptake rates moment by rice crop. The field experiment was carried out at a wetland area of the Crop Science Department, University of São Paulo, Brazil. The soil is classified as Humic Haplaquept (FAO – UNESCO: Gleysols; Brazil: Gleissolo Eutrófico). The rice variety IAC 103 (middle season cycle and high yield) was used. Observed variables were leaf area index, dry matter from different parts of the plant (root, leaf and stem, and panicle) and macronutrient content. To estimate N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S extraction, the macronutrient content and dry matter were used. As results of this study, phytotechnical models, based on biological events that occurred during the crop cycle, were proposed. These models showed a satisfactory behavior to define the magnitude of estimated leaf area index, dry matter, macronutrient extraction by rice crop and maximum N and K uptake rates.


leves (plants) mathematical modeling modelagem matemática absorção (fisiologia) folhas (plantas) absorption (physiology) fitotecnia

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