Modelos de regressão sobre dados composicionais / Regression model for Compositional data


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Compositional data consist of vectors whose components are the proportions of some whole. The problem of estimating the portions $y_1, y_2, \\dots, y_D$ corresponding to the pieces $SE_1, SE_2, \\dots, SE_D$ of some whole $Q$ is often required in several domains of knowledge. The percentages $y_1, y_2, \\dots, y_D$ of votes corresponding to the competitors $Ca_1, Ca_2, \\dots, Ca_D$ in governmental elections or market share problems are typical examples. Of course, it is of great interest to study the behavior of such proportions according to some contextual transitions. In any competitive environmet, additional information of such behavior can be very helpful for the strategists to make proper decisions. In this work we present and discuss some approaches proposed by different authors for compositional data regression as well as some model selection methods based on bayesian inference.\\\\


bic bic compositional data dados composicionais fbst fbst model selection modelos de regressão regression models seleção de modelos

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