Modelo para analise de deslocamento miscivel no meio poroso usando a teoria dos canais de fluxo




This work describes a model for the analysis of a two-components, single phase miscible displacement, considering both homogeneous and heterogeneous reservoirs, and constant total mobility (M =1). The streamtubes are computed from the solution of the partial differential equation of the Stream Function. The discretization of such equation results in a pentadiagonal matrix system, which is solved using the Conjugate Gradient methods with Diagonal Preconditioning. The Diffusion-Convection Equation is solved for each streamtube, using the finite-difference method. The numerical treatment of the Diffusion-Convection Equation using upstream weithging method stabilizes the solution, but it introduces numerical dispersion. A modification of the methods of Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) of second order, described for hyperbolic equations, is used to produce solutions of better resolution. The numerical solution is validated againstthe work of Abaszadeh-Deghani and Brigham, 1982. Heterogeneous systems are simulated to show the infIuence of the penneability variations in the behavior of the streamtubes, and in the computation of the concentrations in the producing well


reservatorios engenharia do petroleo escoamento

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