Modelo não-linear para minimizar o numero de objetos processados e o setup num problema de corte unidimensional / Nonlinear model to minimize both the number of processed objets and the number of setups in an cutting stock problem




In this work we introduce a new method to minimize both the number of processed objects and the number of nonzeros cutting patterns (Le., setup) in an one-dimensional cutting stock problem. To do so, we smooth the discontinuous nonlinear function used in Haessler(1975) to represent both objectives: the number of objects and setup number. To generate the cutting patterns we use the Gilmore&Gomory strategy with a starting basis given by the method SHP (Sequential Heuristic Procedure) developed by Haessler. Keywords: Cutting stock problem; Column generation; Heuristic; Setup; Nonlinear programming


cutting stock problems heuristica programação não-linear heuristic problema do corte de estoque nonlinear programming

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