Modelo geogrÃfico para gestÃo de recursos hÃdricos na bacia do Rio Preto â Distrito Federal




The present dissertation deals with the development of a Geographic Model for Water Resources Management, with the purpose of assisting the decision taker and the planning about the grant of water uses, instituted from the Brazilian Law 9.433 of 1997, which deals the Water Resources National Politics. The studyâs object is located in Pretoâs river basin portion inserted in the Distrito Federal territory, based in data raised and confectioned fot the Rio Preto: Geographic Model for Water Resources Management project, of the Universidade CatÃlica de Brasilia - UCB. The Pretoâs river basin is the main region of agrarian development in Distrito Federal having the main condition factor to its development the management of its natural resources. Located in the Pretoâs river headboard areas and in the sum of Queimadoâs Water Plant reservoir, the agriculture of high tech nology (irrigated) is limited to the amount of water availability. Considering the challenge of natural resources management, this dissertation brings a model that show places, positions and defines, with the assistance of the most modern GIS tools and from biotic, physic and social-economic data, zones where water volumes limits can be amounted for the direct use in the irrigation from the establishment of control points that calculates the respective draining areas. This zoning allows the first visual impression of environmental sensitivity and its respective availabilities in terms of water resources, assisting the decision taker with agility and precision, attributes necessaries to the process of water resources management. Beyond the basin zoning, this dissertation also brings a first evaluation of the waterâs uses from cadastral data of water users, showing the situation and necessity of water resources management mechanisms, standing out the priority areas for this type of action, as well the attendance of high technology agriculture expansion.


environmental modeling and gis gestÃo ambiental; recursos hÃdricos; meio ambiente â modelagem; geoprocessamento planning and environmental management geoprocessamento conservacao de solo e agua recursos hÃdricos planejamento e gestÃo ambiental modelagem ambiental water resources

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