Modelo de suporte a decisão para o otimização da operação de sistema de usinas hidroeletricas / A decision support tool for the optimization of the operation of a system of hydro-eletric plants




This dissertation has the objective of build a Decision Support Tool that gives a quick and easy way to analyze all the different alternatives to manage integrated a complex of hydroelectric reservoirs seeking the maximization of the benefits of the complex. The benefits of the complex were defined as the total potential gravitational energy of the hydraulic resources included in the system in the period of the planning horizon. This tool had being built looking for a computer Friendly Graphic User Interface based in the Microsoftã Windows Operational System to make easy the use of the tool day by day and also the initial installation in the users computers. The theory used were the conception of the Decision Support Tool in the modeling phase study and the Non Linear Programming in the optimization phase. This dissertation has used the data provided by the owner of the power generation complex -AES Tiete- that include five reservoirs in the Tiete river basin, three reservoirs in the Pardo river basin, one reservoir in the Grande river basin and one reservoir in the Mogi-Guaçu river basin, all of them in the southeast region of Brasil, South America.


recursos energeticos optimization sistemas de suporte de decisão energia hidreletrica hydro-eletric energy otimização decision support recursos hidricos hydric resources energetic resources

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