Modelo de referência para integração de redes interorganizacionais com sistemas ERP / Reference model to integrate networks intercompany with ERP systems


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The propose of this research is aim a reference model for the integration of the supply chain of companies with Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP), under the analytical approach of collaborative networks. Therefore a survey was conducted in major multifaceted actors that make up this collaborative network. The theoretical context permeates the concepts of ERP systems, integration of supply chain and collaborative networks. The work is divided into four perspectives. The first perspective presents an approach to the perception of ERP systems manufacturing companies in relation to the concepts inserted in their systems to foster the integration of the supply chain from end users of these systems. The second comes from the consultant companies\ perspective these systems under the same optics. In the third perspective, the approach is made in companies using ERP systems and, finally, the fourth perspective, the focus is on cross-cutting perspective taking into account the perspectives of these three actors. The conclusions and results are given through modeling organizational perspectives. The construction of the reference model was performed using an organizational modeling methodology called Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD). The systemic approach of context might help in understanding the integration of the supply chain from the perspectives studied.


cadeia de suprimento collaborative networks erp erp modelo de referência ontologia ontology redes colaborativas reference model supply chain

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