Modelo de Jaynes-Cummings completo de dois fótons: estudo e aplicações / Jaynes-Cummings model complete two photons: study and applications




In this work we have studied the two photon Jaynes-Cummings model to describe the interaction of a three-level atom in the configuration with a single-mode of a cativy-field. We have used the effetive and full microscopic Jamiltonian approach to compare the results obtained in these tow descriptions. We employed the two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model int the full microscopic Hamiltonian context to implement schemes to quantuam entanglement swapping, for approximate and conditional quantuam teleportation for an unknown atomic state, for a superposition of zero- and two photon states. Both schemes were implemented using no measurement in the Bell base states.


interação átomo campo teletransporte e troca de emaranhamento quânticos modelo de jaynes-cummings fisica atom field interaction, exchange of teleportation and quantum entanglement, jaynes-cummings model

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